Episode 25: Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux

He’s a rich Taggart romance-novel-dude powerlifter with a big family and a sweet townhouse! She’s an emotionally locked down country mouse forced by one of those Improbable Wills to go to New York for a few years to investigate a crime that may or may not have happened to her dead or not dead grandmother and then they… put on a show about it. Seriously, there is no way to describe this book, you just have to experience it. There’s no present-day sexual violence in this book, but her ex-husband emotionally abused her and in 1928 all sorts of awful Tommy gun business went down.
Yeah, we read another Jude Deveraux book and yeah, somebody sprinkled some crack on it again! This one almost broke us, y’all. It’s got: fantasy shopping montages! Kidnappings! Insane family picnics! Weird racial business in Harlem! Improbable lawyers! Literally cosplaying a mass murder to the tune of several million dollars! We only covered half of this book in this podcast and it still took us an hour and a half!