Episode 2: The Ivory Key by Rita Clay Estrada

WHO YOU GONNA CALL?! Buckle your sheet belts for this special Halloween treat as we read Rita Estrada’s 1987 Harlequin novel “The Ivory Key”, a book about finding incontrovertible proof of an afterlife and immediately boning it. If you’ve got it, haunt it! A photojournalist recovering from a traumatic experience under profoundly vague circumstances retreats to her own private Minnesota island, which turns out to be infested by a spectral Frenchman. She discovers she’s a dead ringer for his 18th century beloved and promptly raises his spirits. If you know what I mean. This may have been the first actual paranormal romance!
The sex in this book is all completely consensual and there’s no gross racist content – it does have wraith-ism, though.