Episode 99 – Lightning by Dean Koontz

He’s Stephan, a time travelling good Nazi! She’s Laura, a woman he will not leave alone! It’s Dean Koontz’s Lightning, the first of our summer road trip books! To explain the amazing graphic my husband ran up for this – I am almost certain this is Koontz’s own Terminator fanfic, predicting Badass T2 Sarah Connor years before that movie came out.

If you didn’t see this amazing profile of Dean Koontz in the Washington Post last year please enjoy this gift link! Why yes, it is weird! He really does wear his hair like that! Is it his hair? I dunno, I mean, I’m sure he owns it, yes. Every day! All the time! His wife just walks into a room and there it is! People’s lives, man!

So if you’re new to the Koontz, prepare for some damn content warnings – this one’s got wack-ass ableism, Fated Child Sex Abuse, the strangest fat shaming I’ve ever seen, kids burning alive, oh yeah Nazis (at least they’re the bad guys, never thought I’d live to have to say that!), I probably forgot some. I will say that when we call this guy a “good Nazi” what we mean is a traitor to the Nazi cause, not the other thing. We wouldn’t be reading one with the other thing.